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Health Centre, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, IV558GU
01470 521203 Reception
01470 521775 Prescriptions
Proof of Vaccination (Vaccine Passports)
The Scottish Government has commissioned a Vaccine Status app which will give individuals easy access to their vaccination status. In the mean-time, a new, online facility to allow people to download their Covid vaccine status has been launched. The service may be initially accessed by telephoning.
0808 196 8565
or on the internet, here;
Individuals calling this number to obtain their vaccination status will need to know the date of their first Covid vaccine in order to apply - they will then be issued with a username to allow them to register for a postal copy of their vaccination status from here;
Please note that the Dunvegan Medical Practice has no means to access either a patient's Vaccine Status Username, nor their Vaccine Status Serial Number (as issued in the blue letters issued to patients being invited to NHS - not Medical Practice - run clinics). Please do not call us to ask for this information as we can only direct you to the number above. Responsibility for proof of vaccination rests with the Scottish Government and not general Practice - thankyou.
Please also note that the new system may take some days to be updated and show a patient's full vaccine history after receiving a dose of the vaccine
Patients vaccinated elsewhere in the UK & seeking proof of vaccination from the Scottish system can find more information HERE
Patients vaccinated elsewhere in the UK and unable to view their full vaccination history via the Scottish Vaccine Status pages listed above should follow the instructions HERE to upload their vaccine details to the Scottish system
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